
Hi Everyone! Long Time No See!

Hey everyone, y'all probably thought I had dropped off the face of the planet lol. Well, I'm here to tell you I didn't. Although, losing Grandma kind of threw me for a loop religiously. I have an announcement and some of you guys might decide you don't like me anymore and that's okay if that's how you feel, you'll get no judgments from me.

So, drum roll please... I don't think I'm pagan anymore. To be 100% honest, I'm not sure what religion I am but I'm reading the bible again, and trying to relearn things from Granddad's perspective and God's perspective. Now, this is not to say that I don't still believe in magick or any of those things, it just means that I'm trying to figure things out. Losing Grandma shook me to my core and I am relearning everything. Here lately, every day has been a learning experience. I'm learning how to live again and how to be me.

Now with that being said, I also want to say that this definitely does not mean that I am turning my back on my pagan friends. You guys are all awesome! I still consider y'all friends and don't let anyone convince you otherwise! The only thing changing will be the name of this blog. I need some suggestions on names, so y'all leave me comments alright! I'll also come up with some blog names of my own. I'll narrow it down to just a few and in a couple of days I'll set up a spot for you guys to vote on your favorite one. In the meantime, I have a new book review for you!

I was surprised when I was contacted by another person to do a book review for them because I felt like the review I did for Psychic by Sylvia Browne wasn't all that good, but yet again someone wants me to talk about two new books. The second new book was just received today, so that review will take some time for me to do, but the first one will be up in a day or so.

I'm so glad to be back with you guys again! I've missed y'all. I now have internet at my house, I'm working as a waitress here in town, and am looking at a shift leader position. I am renting a place in town, and will be talking to my landlady in a couple of months about doing rent to own. Things are different but not in a terrible way. I'm taking 9 credit hours in school this semester and am excited for classes to start. Things seem to be looking up!


Nydia said...

Welcome back, girl! :o)

There's nothing wrong in meditating about life and religious paths, specially after such a sad loss. Actually this is when we think things over more deeply. If you feel comfortable and comforted, go ahead, you're free to choose what's best for you! I always say that the best religion (not that I think everyone has to have one) is the one where you feel at home and make you rest your head on the pillow with a , loving, comforting feeling. Take a step at a time, and relax, no one will turn the backs on you.

And in the meantime lief's being busy in a good way for you, that's good!

Kisses and love from us.

Diandra said...

I guess as long as we live, we learn and change. (^v^)

And I know quite a handful of people who manage to combine Christian and Pagan beliefs, so - why not? Good luck on your journey!

Dirgesinger said...

Welcome back:) I am so glad to hear from You. And I think that its no matter what religion You are if You are a good person - and if You feel that You are in the right place for You.:)

The Guardian said...

Welcome back and Merry Meet...I am quite interested to see where your path shall lead you. I think that in knowledge there is power, and I also think you should do,believe or act on how you FEEL most comfortable. I agree with all three comments above mine. Your path lead you to Pagan, now you feel you must follow it elsewhere...safe journey my friend. Btw...maybe instead of College Witch's Experience...it could be College woman's experience or...wherever my path shall lead...just a few ideas...Brightest Blessings Dear and just a small note of sadness...I am so sorry for your loss. )o(

Magaly Guerrero said...

Welcome back dear and the best of luck on finding the path that makes you happy. I think you are awesome regardless of what spiritual path you decide to follow, for deep in your soul you are the same person!

Keep us posted on the spiritual changes. It will be nice to see what happens ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a newbie follower. First I want to say how deeply sorry I am for your loss. I am VERY close to my Nanny, live with her actually right now as I've just gone through a divorce. I too am trying to find myself spiritually, and trying to learn to love myself. There is nothing wrong with searching for meaning that is comfortable for you. I claim no specific religion myself. I'm from Native American and Scot/Irish background and have many religious interests. (check out my interests section and you'll see what I mean!) I guess in a way I kinda make up my own! As I tell people, I believe in God but I also believe in Mother Nature! I am reading a book right now that you may or may not find helpful, it's called The Essence of Buddhism. It's an easy read and easy to understand. This may help answer some "questions" that you may have. I'm only on the 2nd or 3rd chapter, but so far so good. Just a thought.

As far as the name change for your blog. I think once you "find" yourself, a perfect name will come to you. In the meantime, something like what The Guardian suggested would be generic enough until the right title makes itself known to you!
