
I Need Your Prayers

Okay guys, I need your prayers. I got a puppy about 3 weeks ago. She's now 9 weeks old, and she's having bloody diarrhea and she vomited white foamy stuff yesterday. I called my vet tonight, wondering if I needed to bring her in or not, but he said since she's running and playing she should be okay but he wants to see her tomorrow. He was very adamant about seeing her tomorrow because there's a possibility she could have parvo.

I've fallen in love with her, and she's very special to me. I've already lost my childhood dog (she died the week before Grandma did if you guys remember), and I've lost Grandma. I'm not sure if I could handle losing my puppy too. Her symptoms are typical except that she is still running around and playing. She's still acting normal except for the diarrhea and the vomit, but I'm so scared. I don't want to lose my dog. Please pray for her. She's a strong her, and I'm hoping it's not parvo that maybe she just got a hold of something she didn't need to eat and she'll pass it. I'm going in to see my vet tomorrow morning at 8:30 and I'll keep you guys updated with what he says, but please keep us in your prayers. I know to some it doesn't make sense praying for an animal, but she's my baby and God and the Goddess love the little ones. Thanks guys.


Unknown said...

I will definitely say a prayer and light a candle for you. All things are blessings and deserve the same love and prayers.

Sending you love and light and hugs.

Faerie Sage said...

All my thoughts prayers and love are headed your way! I will think happy healthy thoughts for your little one. I am sure she will get better and be a wonderful happy companion!
Keep us updated and in the mean time Know we are thinking of you and your puppy.

Ponderosa Pagan said...

I will keep her in my prayers!
My puppy got sick when he was young but now he is 6 months old. They are resilient creatures. Blessings and good vibes your way!

Diandra said...

I'll light a candle for you.

But on a side note... that puppy was way too young to be separated from the mother, according to everything I learned from my parents (we bred dogs when I was younger, and our puppies were always between 8 and 12 weeks when we gave them away).

Dirgesinger said...

Love and healing thoughts for the doggy! I know how much affection can one feel towards a little animl brother or sister - I wish You all the best!

Sara said...

I will be sending healing thoughts to your little puppy. keep us posted on how how she is. Hugs Sara

Anonymous said...

I have just lit a candle for your puppy and I will be thinking of the both of you today. Keep us posted on how she and you are doing. XxhugsxX

SpiritPhoenix said...

No problem.

Wendy said...

Nothing makes me more anxious and depressed as when I have one of my fur-babies becomes sick. It sounds like from your latest post that she's starting to heal a little bit. I know that either Bach Flower remedies or homeopathic formulas made specifically for animals has helped a lot for me. Sending you and your baby lots of blessings. Also, Artemis is a good goddess to call on now for strength, healing of your baby and wisdom.