
Cleansing While You Clean

I've recently looked back over most of my posts and realized I haven't really been offering anything of substance lol. So I thought I would share a little cleansing technique I use when I clean and cleanse my house. First though, let me do a little blog advertising lol. There is still a little bit of time to enter the giveaways. There are 2 more days to enter the Orglamix Organic Mineral Makeup Giveaway, and there is exactly 6 days left to enter the Agony's Decay Giveaway. There were a couple of late entries to the blog party so you may want to check all the links on the sidebar again, in case you missed someone because there were amazing posts this year. Next year things will be a bit more organized than they were this year. Also, I won't be taking the book swap down until the end of this month so there's still lots and lots of time to participate in the book swap, just go to the book swap page here on the blog and let us know if you have any books you would like to trade. Grab the button for the book swap for your blog to let your friends know as well. For those of you that participated in the blog party, please check all the comments at each blog for one extra entry for both giveaways.

Now, on to my post! This time of year is the perfect time to do a new year cleansing of your house. Samhain is our new year and the best way to ring in the new year is to clear out all the negativity and start new. So I spent all day yesterday physically cleaning my home, because clutter and messes collect negativity like your tv collects dust. While sweeping I visualized sweeping out all negativity, while dusting I visualized dusting away accumulated negativity, and while scrubbing down my kitchen I visualized scrubbing away and stuck on negativity. Then, after the house was sparkling clean, I lit lavender incense and let it spread throughout the house. As it spread I said. "As the scent of lavender spreads it neutralizes all negativity and replaces it with harmony, balance, and love." My house now feels absolutely amazing. Try cleansing your home too. Remember it's the new year, out with the old, in with the new!


Faerie Sage said...

It seems to be spreading everywhere, the urge to clean, refresh, renew and reorganize. I have been having this feeling since the begining of the month. A Samhain cleaning will be perfect for me this year, we are moving on the 15 so I will cleanse, clean and clear out the whole place when we move in, then I can go over every item and make sure it has positive energy. I usually do this twice a year, I look at each item, if it makes me happy or brings me up then I keep it. If it brings me down or is even, I think of the sagging feeling it will create over 365 days of down or blah feelings, so I get rid of it! I whole-heartedly agree, time to clean and cleanse!

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, I think you post great stuff! This post as wonderful, and I'll definitely have to try this.

Lisa said...

Love this. Thank you!